Success Story #6 – Today’s Meet

Today’s Meet ( is a technology website used by students with a tablet. Students used the ‘running conversation’ to ask questions before, during and after reading a shared text (we also used it for connection making).  It reinforces the idea that questions have to be done at many stages.  You can revisit the transcript of […]

Success Story #5

During a Grade 6  Math class we were giving real life connections to do with rates.  The students had been asked to research the annual salaries of an average person in Canada and one other country.  Students came back with their information and one of them had used France, but could only get the information […]

French Immersion Visual Arts PlayBook Apps

Applications used during French visual arts instruction: Video recording of teacher lesson for students to watch as needed to review a lesson and apply its content for sketch/work completion Camera students take pictures of their work to show progress, photos can also be used for reference of past work, or for use in ScrapBook App […]

French Immersion Language PlayBook Apps

Applications used during French language class: Voice Notes  recording student voice teacher voice recorded for student reference Videos recording of student presentations for teacher and self-evaluation Camera photos taken for work completion images of student work for use as examples and modeling Twitter daily Tweets posted to inform parents of activities completed reminders for students […]

Learn 360 – Website

Videos to introduce concepts and spark discussions.

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