Grade 6 Students Using Digital Tools to Encourage Authentic Talk

Grade 6 students at Park Manor PS shared their thinking during a Literature Circle discussion.  The teacher places a digital recording device at each table to record the discussion, which she can use later for student feedback and instructional next steps.  The use of a digital tool to record student talk helps keep the students […]

Students Using Digital Tools to Build Background Knowledge for Literature Circles

Students were using their new iPads during Literature Circles ( to build their background knowledge on various topics connected with Global Issues.  I am continually amazed how easily students see digital tools as just another learning tool for them to use.  As well, they can access the information from the Board Virtual Library in their […]

Success Story #6 – Today’s Meet

Today’s Meet ( is a technology website used by students with a tablet. Students used the ‘running conversation’ to ask questions before, during and after reading a shared text (we also used it for connection making).  It reinforces the idea that questions have to be done at many stages.  You can revisit the transcript of […]

Document Camera – A High Yield Tool

Create anchor charts with the students on how to do research and the success criteria. Modelled instruction in every subject. Math problem solving Reading strategies Written tasks Visual arts techniques Shared instruction Math problem solving Reading strategies Written tasks Co-constructed anchor charts Developing Learning Goals & Success Criteria  Student presentations of projects or assignments in […]

Word To Go App

Completion of short writing assignments.  Downloading and manipulating Word files from my Wikispaces.  Incredibly easy and motivating for students.  You can copy and paste text from an internet site into a Word to Go document.  Uploaded a word file to my wiki and students opened it in Word To Go to complete a graphic organizer.  […]