Students Learning Numeracy Skills Using Khan Academy to Fill in Learning Gaps & Practice to Mastery

Students at Park Manor are using Khan Academy ( in most of their math classes to help fill in prior learning gaps with respect to numeracy skills and practice them to gain mastery.  Students are encouraged to log in at home or during breaks in the computer lab to watch instructional videos and practice key skills […]

Silver Birch Books are Here

All students in grade 6 have the opportunity to be part of the Ontario Library Association’s Forest of Reading program. With 30 books split evenly into 3 categories; fiction, non-fiction and express, there are sure to be books for everyone. Any student reading more than 5 in a category will be able to cast a […]

Progress Reports Home Nov. 5th & Parent Teacher Interviews Nov. 8&9

Attention Families! Progress Report Cards will be sent home on November 5th. Parent Teacher Interviews will be held in the gym on November 8th & 9th. All teachers will be available for first come, first served interviews in the gym Interviews should only be 5 minutes and a longer interview can be set up at […]

Park Manor’s Accelerated Learning Framework Is Published!

Park Manor’s Accelerated Learning Framework was just published in Michael Fullan’s latest book “Stratosphere“.  Thanks to all the staff and students for their contributions to the material shared in Michael’s book and to all the learning here at school.  Click on the links to learn more about the digital learning happening here at Park Manor […]

Success Story #6 – Today’s Meet

Today’s Meet ( is a technology website used by students with a tablet. Students used the ‘running conversation’ to ask questions before, during and after reading a shared text (we also used it for connection making).  It reinforces the idea that questions have to be done at many stages.  You can revisit the transcript of […]

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