Bing Maps App

To see the locations of the explorers in Social Studies.

Success Story #1 – StickyBoard App

Please see the post by Liz Anderson at  

Adobe Reader App

Access to downloaded files from a variety of sources (i.e. Wikispace).  Allows their PlayBook device to become an electronic document and information resource.

Video Camera – A Great App!

Great App that comes preloaded on the PlayBook.  This App could be used for all the same applications as Voice Notes and extend them in new ways.  Below are some applications so far and I’ll add more as we go. Video Camera Applications Teaching and learning tool (See Teachers could video their own instruction and […]

Voice Notes – A Great App!

Great App that comes preloaded on the PlayBook.  During a collaboration time with some of my teachers, I showed them how they could record audio easily with Voice Notes and they could immediately see the applications for all students.  This App could be used as part of Differentiated Assessment to assess a student’s learning when writing […]

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