Great App that comes preloaded on the PlayBook.  During a collaboration time with some of my teachers, I showed them how they could record audio easily with Voice Notes and they could immediately see the applications for all students.  This App could be used as part of Differentiated Assessment to assess a student’s learning when writing may not allow them to demonstrate their learning the best.  Moreover, students could record their responses and then listen to them as they write the answer.  English Language Learners and students with Special Education needs could use Voice Notes in a variety of ways, which I will list below and continue to add to as I discover them with my teachers and students.

Voice Notes Applications

  1. Record and playback answers to questions
  2. Record student discussions
  3. Record teacher instructions to listen to again as necessary
  4. Practice new languages both speaking and listening
  5. Create an audio file for a book to make it a read-along
  6. Create audio assessments for students who may struggle reading


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