What is Accelerated Learning?

What Does An Accelerated Learning Framework Do? Enables students to meet the Learning Goal and demonstrate the Success Criteria faster Enables some students with special needs or English language barriers to meet the Learning Goal and demonstrate the Success Criteria at all Enables students to achieve to a higher level than they would without the framework […]

Park Manor’s Accelerated Learning Framework

Park Manor uses technology to accelerate learning for all students.  Every classroom has a document camera, data projector and wireless Internet.  We also have 35 dual boot iMacs, 7 SMART Boards and 78 BlackBerry PlayBooks.  The staff and students use all the forms of technology in innovative ways to support their own learning, develop 21st century […]

Collecting used clothing to raise funds

  Looking to get rid of those clothing items and shoes that the kids have outgrown. Done some refurbishing of your home and have some drapery and fabric that you no longer need. Park Manor has a solution for you. The students destined to go to the Quebec trip next year will be collecting used […]

Time to order your yearbook, $10

This year’s full colour yearbook is being designed by a number of students and is taking shape quickly. Last chance to capture your memories of this school year by ordering a copy for $10. See Mrs. Grant soon! Copies from previous years are displayed in the library and are also still for sale for $10 […]

Park Manor Drama Production – The Burial at Thebes

A modern translation of Sophocles’ Antigone by Seamus Heaney Seamus Heaney was awarded the Noble Prize for Literature 1995 Wednesday May 16 and Thursday May 17 at 7:30 p.m Admission $10 Tickets available Monday to Thursday 8:10 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. and at the door. Seating limited to 75 per show. See article in The […]

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