We were fortunate to have Daisy Hamelinck from the Terry Fox Foundation come to speak to our students today.  Her message was clear.  One person can make a difference.  All you need is a goal and the determination to reach that goal.  She spoke about how Terry Fox was faced with many difficult decisions in his short life, and as we know, he made the decisions that made him a hero to many of us.  Daisy’s message was one of hope and appreciation.  As a speaker for the foundation, she spreads the word of the advances Cancer research has had on the lives of all of us.  In particular, she is living proof of the difference.  She has had Cancer twice.  The first time, she found out that she too had the type of Cancer that Terry Fox had.  But unlike Terry, she would not loose her leg.  Instead, Dr. Wonder at Mount Sinai Hospital performed a surgery where they removed the cancerous bone from her leg (mid thigh to foot) and replaced it with an endo-prosthetic.  An artificial leg bone was placed inside her leg and muscle and tissue were re-attached.  After extensive physiotherapy she now enjoys the use of her leg and shares her story of optimism and  determination with student and community groups.

She also wanted to express her thanks to Park Manor and our amazing community.  This year, we raised over $3,500 as many of you know.  But Park Manor has a long legacy of support for the Terry Fox run.  We have participated for 23 years and over that time we have raised $40,811.60 !  We have such a generous community.  Thank you to everyone for their years of support.