I remember as a child the wonderful words coming from the radio that said buses were canceled.  I was so excited, because that meant a day to go to school and play.  I knew that it meant when I arrived to class, we would be playing games and watching non-academic videos.  It was like a day camp with the opportunity to build a snow fort at lunch.  How could that not be fun?

Now, in 2016, that is not the case.  Did you know that Park Manor only has two buses and therefore most classes only have a couple of students away due to bus cancelations?  Teachers are providing programming that is related to the curriculum, running tests, doing science experiments, and progressing with work that they had planned for the students.  So, if you get that text from your child — “nobody is at school and they are doing nothing but playing a game or watching a video” … ask questions.  That “game” is a simulation that is part of the curriculum to be delivered and that video was planned to be shown two weeks ago.

When students are absent, for any reason, we have systems in place to help them get caught up.  Several students were able to access work online or knew exactly where to go in the classroom to get any work that they missed.