The holiday season if fast approaching and with it our annual “Week Of Giving”.  This year we will reach out to our local community and those less fortunate with donations to the Woolwich Community Services, as well as the Food Bank.

In traditional Park Manor style, we invite you send items in with your students for donations.

Monday December 7th is Munchkin Monday.  Suggested items are things that toddlers and babies might need.  They could be diapers, wipes, bottles, baby food, blankets, bibs etc.  New items are greatly appreciated.

Tuesday December 8th is Toiletry Tuesday.  Suggested items are toothpaste, tooth brushes, shampoo, deodorant, toilet paper, feminine protection, face tissues etc.

Wednesday December 9th is Wooly Wednesday.  Suggested items are hats, mittens, gloves, long underwear (especially for men), work socks, slippers, bed linens.

Thursday December 10th is Thoughtful Thursday with a Toonie Twist.  Any financial donation is much appreciated.  It will be donated to Woolwich Community Services to use as they feel best fit families with needs in our community. Often winter boots and hot meals for the holidays are the types of things they support families with.

Friday December 11th is Food Bank and Fun Friday Frenzi.  This day is the last day of our giving week.  We would appreciate any food for the food bank or an unwrapped toy.

Thank you for all of your support!