April 10th, 2011
On behalf of the ‘We in Action’ team we want to thank you for the ongoing support that you have given our fundraising efforts towards our Free the Children/Me to We initiatives. We have been excited to see that more students are keen and eager to become involved in making a positive change in our community and world. What started off as a small group of students going to ‘We Day’ in Toronto in the fall, has grown to over 30 students who are actively planning and participating in fundraising and awareness campaigns. In conjunction with the ‘Me to We’ organization, our ‘We in Action’ team will be hosting a Five Days for Freedom campaign from April 11 to 15th. http://www.fivedaysforfreedom.com/
Monday, April 11th – Freedom From Poverty – Speakers Corner will occur in Ms. A’s room during first break to ask the question of students, “”How Can We Change the World?”
Tuesday, April 12th – Freedom From Exploitation – Activities/information session will occur in library during second break
Wednesday, April 13th -Freedom From Thirst – Activities/information session will occur outside during second break
Thursday, April 14th – Freedom From Disease – Activities/information session will occur in library during second break
Friday, April 15th – Freedom To Act- All students will attend assembly which will highlight what our school has already done to promote freedom and what we can do to promote freedom
Students will be invited to bring $1 that day to go towards ‘Free the Children’ initiatives and wear Wacky/Tacky clothes.
Students are also encouraged to get their ‘Bagz to Schools’ clothing in so that we can show how much clothing they have donated during the assembly. The money raised from the clothing drive will also go to support the ‘Free the Children’ initiatives.
-Ms. Anderson and Mme. Jespersen
Categories: Global Activism · We In Action