The theme of Park Manor’s Day of Pink was organized to encourage students and staff to first respect ourselves and then respect others.  We gathered for a short 20 minute assembly where I spoke to them in general regarding what bullying was, who to tell when it happens and why I want them to tell an adult.  I was very impressed with the students silence and attention while I spoke.  I told students that they should tell a teacher or myself as soon as it happens and tell their parents at home.  After the short assembly, students returned to their home room classes where they engaged in a variety of activities around respect.  As I visited each classroom, I was amazed at the quality of the discussions occurring.   Also, teachers shared their activities and observations from the morning during our staff meeting and it was very valuable for future activities.

I know a number of bullying victims and their parents are reluctant to come forward, as they worry the bullying will get worse.  We will always do our very best to stop the bullying immediately and take increased action if it reoccurs.  There is zero tolerance for disrespectful, bullying behaviour at Park Manor and we will always endeavour to maintain a safe, caring and fun learning community.

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