Students using school and personal digital tools in visual arts

Students are using school and personal digital tools in visual arts while drawing a 2D representation of a 3D object.  By taking a digital photograph of a 3D object, students are better able to make an accurate drawing and zoom in to see finer details.  

Students practice their mental math skills in preparation for World Math Day

Students are practicing for World Math Day on March 6th using the World Education Games website (  Students compete against other students of the same age from all over the world. It is great to see their excitement and enthusiasm for practicing math!

Students Learning Numeracy Skills Using Khan Academy to Fill in Learning Gaps & Practice to Mastery

Students at Park Manor are using Khan Academy ( in most of their math classes to help fill in prior learning gaps with respect to numeracy skills and practice them to gain mastery.  Students are encouraged to log in at home or during breaks in the computer lab to watch instructional videos and practice key skills […]

Silver Birch Books are Here

All students in grade 6 have the opportunity to be part of the Ontario Library Association’s Forest of Reading program. With 30 books split evenly into 3 categories; fiction, non-fiction and express, there are sure to be books for everyone. Any student reading more than 5 in a category will be able to cast a […]

December 21 – Holly Jolly (Green and Red) Day

  Holly Jolly Day – December 21 – Dress up in green and red to show your spirit!

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