Student Accident Insurance available

There are so many wonderful things that our children get to participate in here at Park Manor.  Being a school with many team opportunities and an active school program there are sometimes the risk of injury.  If you are interested in Student Accident Insurance, please follow this link through Staebler Accident Insurance’s website for online […]

Boomerang Lunches At Park Manor

Park Manor Senior Public School students are being encouraged to bring home all the waste from their lunches to be properly disposed of – recycled, reused or thrown away. As a school we are not able to properly dispose of all the waste created by student lunches each day. We want our student to become responsible […]

Nutrition Night at Linwood PS

Linwood PS is hosting guest speakers on Sept. 25 and would like to extend the invitation to our school community.  The theme is Nutrition Night. There are two guest speakers (Chef D and Christine Gingerich) who will talk about healthy lunches, the connection between healthy food and a child’s ability to learn, healthier diet does not […]

Join Us for School Council!

On September 21st at 7 PM we invite all parents/guardians of Park Manor students who would like to be involved in School Council to join us for our first meeting.  We are excited to welcome new families to our dedicated group of volunteers.  You may be wondering how much time does this take.  We meet […]

Immunization Forms Coming Home Today!

Forms have gone home for all Grade 7’s and for our Grade 8 girls.  Please help us get these completed forms back to the school as soon as possible.

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