Student Recognition – Panther PAWs

This year as part of our building community focus on the four PAWs (Know Yourself, Respect Yourself, Respect Others and Work Hard), we initiated a PAWsitive recognition program that encourages all staff to look for PAWsitive behaviours and recognise those students who are exhibiting them.  So far, students have earned over 100 PAWs!  Way to […]

School Community Focus 2013-2014

  During the winter and spring of 2013, the staff at Park Manor defined four key areas that impact our students success or lack thereof.  We found that during our discussions about student achievement during collaboration time in our Staff Learning Centre that some students were not increasing their achievement level.  The Stickies we use […]

Dr. Michael Fullan Visiting & Filming at Park Manor May 15th

We are very excited to welcome Dr. Michael Fullan ( back to our school to film and collaborate with our students and staff.   He will be filming our students and teachers as they learn together using technology tools, programs, applications and websites.  Over the past four years, Park Manor has become a Digitally Rich […]

Respect Day (April 10th) – Principal Reflections

The theme of Park Manor’s Day of Pink was organized to encourage students and staff to first respect ourselves and then respect others.  We gathered for a short 20 minute assembly where I spoke to them in general regarding what bullying was, who to tell when it happens and why I want them to tell […]

Day of Pink – Wed. April 10

DayofPink is the International Day against Bullying, Discrimination, Homophobia and Transphobia in schools and communities. We invite everyone to celebrate diversity by wearing a pink shirt and by organizing activities in their workplaces, organizations, communities and schools.

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